Thursday, May 14, 2015

No Excuse for Masturbation

If you’re honest enough, you know that a lot of people are struggling with this word that we all find hard to say. Somehow the word masturbation ain’t so good to hear and we cringe when we hear the word. Especially when we’re guilty.

This entry is, of course, based on my personal experience as someone guilty of such a sin and is also based on discussions and arguments I’ve heard regarding the topic itself
When the world says it’s alright
“Everyone does it anyway”
“So? No one else is affected”
“Who says it’s a sin?”
Pornography, as I’ve mentioned in my entry ” is as rampant as water these days – it’s everywhere. And as movies and the media commoditizes sex as if it is an everyday habit and norm, we are led to think that the act of masturbation doesn’t even enter the radar. That masturbation is small-fry and is no big deal since everyone’s into the bigger sin of premarital sex and adultery.
Big things start small
Remember the first lie you’ve ever told? You were nervous. Your palms were sweaty. Your heartbeat raced. Your pulse throbbed. And you almost stuttered. You were so afraid you’d get found out. It’s not a big lie – no you didn’t think it would affect anyone. It was just something about yourself.
Right after the words left your mouth, you felt a knot in your stomach. You knew that the words you’ve just let go were wrong. You knew it was a sin. It was lying.
Time passed and you grew older. Lying became a habit for you. You wouldn’t even break a sweat from telling a lie that could break your friend’s life. Sooner or later, you’d lie about money, about cheating your spouse, about things that could change your life forever.
might not directly affect other people. But once it grows and craves the real thing (which is, of course, sex) you have no idea how many lives you’re going to change – and no, it’s not for the better.
Real men can say NO
The world right now says that porn and sex makes you a man. If having sex with a lot of women makes you a man then does that make your dog any more of a man too?
The truth of the matter is, only those who can deny themselves of instant pleasure can call themselves real men. Real men knows how to discipline and control themselves – yes, even when the hormones kick in. And if you were wondering, yes, it’s what differentiates you from your dog.
And saying no starts with the smallest discipline that people don’t see – your mind. What you do when you’re alone is dictated by your mind in that certain situation. If it’s full of lust then it will probably lead to watching pornography which leads to masturbation. Be disciplined with what you feed your mind.
What’s your excuse?
“It is God’s will that you should be sanctified that you should avoid sexual immorality that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honourable not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him. The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have already told you and warned you” – 1 Thessalonians 4:3-6
Masturbation? Excused?
Don’t think so.


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