Thursday, May 14, 2015

Today's devotion. From Soulfood


Friday May 15, 2015.

A complete and concluded study on Jesus might teach someone about 2% of who He is. I was marveled at the revelation I received while attending a burial ceremony. I have read the Bible cover to cover and found out that Jesus never attended any burial ceremony.

In Matt. 8:21-2, a certain disciple was giving excuses because of his father’s burial but Jesus said; ‘Follow me and let the dead bury their dead.’

But in the case of the ruler’s daughter in Matt. 9:23-5, and in the case of Lazarus in Jn.11:43-4; He ignored the situation and brought them back to life.

We have buried a lot of living things because we concluded that they were already dead. We have given up on several situations just at the dying minute. Jesus, whom we follow is life and can give life to every dead person, situation, project, marriage, career, etc.

‘God is not the God of the dead, but of the living’ (Matt. 22:32b). The dead shall hear His voice and live again. Jn.5:25

If you are serving the resurrection and the life (Jn.11:25), command those dying things around you today to receive life in Jesus name, Amen. Shout His name today till that situation hears it.

Waiting for your testimony...

DECREES: Today, I decree that that seed won't die in your hand. That marriage or dead situation will not be buried in your time. I command every dead virtue, business, career, project, vision, to receive strength to live in Jesus name, Amen!

Read: John 5
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