Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What is the Christian Life?

The Christian life begins with receiving the Lord Jesus Christ - the gift of God's love and forgiveness - by faith. It results in a threefold commitment to a person, the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a commitment to Him of your intellect, emotions, and will.

The Christian life is a personal intimate relationship between you and Christ. This life begins in faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and can only be lived by faith. Faith is another word for trust. We trust our lives to Christ's keeping because He has proven Himself trustworthy by His life, His death, His resurrection, and His abiding presence - His unconditional love.
As you walk in faith and obedience to God as an act of your will and allow Him to change your life, you will gain increasing assurance of your relationship with Him. You will experience God's work in your life as He enables you to do what you cannot do on your own.

A New Creation

  1. On the basis of II Corinthians 5:17, what has happened to you? What are some of the evidences in your life of new things having come, and old things having passed away?
  2. To what does the Bible compare this experience of newness?. (John 3:3 ) Compare the experience of physical birth with spiritual birth. What are the similarities?
  3. How was your new birth accomplished? (John 3:16 , 1:12-13)
  4. According to Ephesians 2:8-9 , what did you do to merit this gift? Why is this important in our spiritual well-being?
  5. Colossians 1:13-14 speaks of two kingdoms. Describe the nature of each kingdom in relation to your life before and after you received Christ. 

A New Relationship with God

  1. What are you called? (I Peter 2:2) What should be your desire?
  2. What is your new relationship with God? (John 1:12)
  3. What does it mean to you to be a partaker of the Divine nature? (II Peter 1:4)
  4. How do you know that you are God's child? (Romans 8:16 ) 

A New Motivation

  1. How does the love of Christ motivate you? (II Corinthians 5:14-15) What has replaced self as the most important factor?
  2. What two things have happened to give you new motivation? (Colossians 3:1-4 )
  3. What has happened to your old life, according to verse 3?
  4. What will motivate you to seek those things that are above, according to verse 1?
  5. What is the promise we are given in verse 4? How does it affect your motivation?


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