Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Genesis 1 : 26 - "Let Us make man in Our
image, to be like Ourselves ; let man have
dominion . . . . over all the earth . "
It has always been the Lord' s intent to have
a " people " who would have dominion
authority on the earth.
The word "dominion " ( Hebrew - radah) means
to prevail, rule, reign , to tread down. "
After God formed man , He blessed him and
told him to fill the earth, subdue it , and have
dominion over all of creation (Genesis 1: 28) .
The word "subdue" (Hebrew - kabash) means
to bring into subjection.
Jesus taught his disciples that it all begins
with the revelation of RESTORED
RELATIONSHIP (" Our Father , who is in
Heaven " - Matthew 6: 9) - - realizing that we
are truly made in His image and created to
express His Kingdom into the earth (Matthew
6: 10 ) .
Jesus worked with the disciples - loving
them , mentoring them , challenging them ,
encouraging them - - over and over again until
they were ready to receive the revelation in
the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and step
out to change the world.
We are to do likewise with the ones God has
Through Jesus Christ we have been given
authority over the enemy and all that he
would try to come against us with . The word
"Behold , I have given you authority to tread
upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the
power of the enemy ; and nothing shall hurt
you. " - Luke 10 : 19
It is time for us to truly understand what
Jesus has restored to us through the Cross,
and step into the fullness of that relationship
and have great impact in the earth . It is time
for us to occupy our Kingdom authority so
that we can occupy the earth and make it as
it is in Heaven !
1. That we will come into a greater revelation
of the restored relationship we have with our
Heavenly Father (Gods PURPOSE for our life -
Our CALLING in Christ ) and His Kingdom
through the Cross!
2. That in revelation of our sonship we will
occupy the full authority we have in the earth
and bring all of creation back into subjection
to the dominion of the King!
3. Our environment will be forever changed
as we pray , say and do what the Father
shows is and we see Heaven invade every
place we go and everyone we meet .
4. As we occupy our authority, we will take
back all that has been stolen by the enemy .
5. That we will see God ' s Kingdom come
through us as never before and become bold
expressions of the finished work of the Cross,
stepping out to enforce the complete , total
and utter victory of the Risen Lord over every
work and manifestation of the enemy .
Walking in His authority is actually more than
just a right that has been given to us , it ' s our
responsibility. As joint heirs with Christ , we
have a responsibility to walk in His authority
TAKING DOMINION. He has called us to be
good stewards of His Kingdom while we are
here on earth , and walking in His authority
goes hand in hand with being a good steward
of the Kingdom .
"It is like a man going to a far country, who
left his house and gave authority to his
servants, and to each his work , and
commanded the doorkeeper to watch. "—Mark
13: 34


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