Thursday, July 2, 2015

How do you Surrender the Blessing you Love Most?

God is a loving God. He desires to bless us. But more than that, He desires to mold our character to becoming more like Christ. Why? Because that is what holds eternal value. Earthly blessings will fade away. But then there are times when we’re so attached to our blessings that we don’t want to let go. So how do you surrender the blessing you love most?

Lately my life’s been a flurry of business meetings, work, family, and my relationship with Apple. I’ve been extremely busy – perhaps the busiest I’ve ever been in my life. So I wanted to really take some time off to write again here in God and You. God has been teaching me to surrender a lot of things – especially things that are really dear to me. And I want to share it with you too.
With business, I’m being blessed by God – all glory to Him! And I want to use what I’m earning for my engagement ceremony with Apple. It’s quite expensive – and it’s pretty much the first time I’m ever going to spend a lot in my life. So I want all the money I’m earning to be in my savings for that day. But God has other plans.
Recently, God is opening doors for me in terms of financial giving – to ministry, to my family, and even to other causes. I really want to go through that engagement ceremony and I really, really want to save everything for that day – but then I have to give it up. I know that God has the best plan for me. I know that God will be the one to tell me when it’s time. I know God is the one who blessed me and that He can do it again – anytime.
There’s the story of Susie that I want to share with you. This story is taken from Max Lucado’s book, “A Love Worth Giving” and it really touched my heart as God spoke to me to give up the things I hold dear because He has the best one in store for me.
At the age of six, Susie’s most treasured possession was a string of pearls. The fact that they were fake didn’t bother her. She wore them everywhere and played with them every day.
She loved the pearls.
She also loved her daddy. His business often took him away for days at a time. The first day home would always be one of celebration. As an adult Susie can still remember the time he spent a week in the Orient. When he finally returned, the daddy and daughter played all afternoon. As he put her to bed, he asked this question: “Do you love me?”
“Yes, Daddy. I love you more than anything.”
“More than anything?”
“More than anything.”
He paused for a moment. “More than the pearls? Would you give me your pearls?”
“Oh, Daddy,” she replied. “I couldn’t do that. I love my pearls.”
“I understand,” he told her and kissed her good-night.
As she fell asleep, she thought about his request. When she awoke, she thought about it some more. It was on her mind that morning and later in the day.
Finally, that night, she went to him with her pearls. “Daddy, I love you more than these. Here, you take them.”
“I’m so glad to hear that,” he said, standing and opening his attache case. “I brought you a gift.”
She opened the small flat box and gasped. Pearls. Genuine pearls.
You suppose your Father wants to give you some as well? He offers authentic love. His devotion is the real deal. But He won’t give you the genuine until you surrender the imitations.
What pearls is he hoping you’ll release? What costume jewelry would he love for you to drop? Would you exchange the lesser gifts for the highest gift of knowing God?
My engagement ceremony? It is important to me – really important. But God told me that there is so much more He wants to give me.
So take ’em away Lord – I will trust in you.


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