Saturday, July 11, 2015

Today's devotion. Happy Sunday

Sunday July 12, 2015.

1446 BC; a year that would always go down in the histories of Egypt and Israel. Moses who grew up as A PRINCE OF EGYPT ran away for fear of Pharaoh when he killed an Egyptian, returned to deliver Israel.

Hatshepsut, Moses’ stepmother would behold him again. Thutmoses II, the fellow young prince that grew up with him would see him again.

After the unleashing of the 9th plague, Moses was left with one lifeline; THE DEATH OF ALL EGYPT’S FIRST BORN SONS. The ANGEL OF DEATH did just that and the night would always be remembered as PASSOVER!

The next morning, Thutmoses II in agony, ordered Israel to leave Egypt. That was a year of JUBILEE. A year when a prophesy/promise of over 400 years came to pass. Israel rejoiced as they packed their belongings to leave Goshen, Egypt.

From this month, every hand holding you will leave you in Jesus name. Sin, poverty, lack, penury, anger, singleness, etc, will loose their grips on you from this month in Jesus name. Pray in this dimension today!

Those things which have enslaved you in the past will BECOME YOUR SLAVE FROM NOW ON!

Read: Ex. 7 - 11
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