Friday, July 24, 2015

Walking in blessings

I Walk In D Blessing Of Abel-my sacrifies always
find favor wit God.
I walk in d blessing of Noah-wat destroys other's
others can nt destroy me and my family.
I walk in d blesin of Abraham-i'm a blessing
evrywere i go,and my seed is gr8 in d land.
I walk in d blesing of sarah-i am bearing fruits
against all odds.
I walk in d blessing of jacob-the lord has changed
my status and my story dis year.
I walk in d blesing of joseph-every evil plan is
working out 4 my good.
I walk in d blessing of Moses-God has given me
another opportunity.
I walk in d blesing of David-all my goliaths are
falling and falling and the lord continually
prepares buffets b4 me in d presence of my
I walk in the blessing of our lord and cheif
sheperd_jesus christ-i am annoited wit d holy
ghost and power and i'm healing the sick,casting
out devils and going about doing good works out
of my overflow... the name of jesus!


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