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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query soulfood. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Today's devotion. Soulfood. Sunday may 17 2015


Sunday May 17, 2015.

LORD, bless every reader of SOULFOOD Devotional. Cause them to know you with every breath they take. Let your spirit witness Christ more and more to them.

As we receive thousands of request from all over the world, it increases our prayer duration. We may not reach them all but you know those issues more than we do.

Give this reader a testimony this year; a reason to rejoice in you. May he/she share testimonies like others. May he/she be fruitful in the land.

Oh Lord, dissolve every doubt. Fix those marriage issues. Send forth healing for every ailment. Stop all lingering issues. Expand every man's coasts.

For every one who spends time and data to share SOULFOOD, Lord, send them destiny helpers to share in their dreams, pains and projects in Jesus name.

For those who did or will sow anything to SOULFOOD, may they be blessed far above their needs. TAKE CARE of every EDITOR as a mother takes care of her child in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: 1 Cor.15:58
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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Today's devotion. Soulfood

Saturday May 23, 2015

Oh Lord of all grace, the reason for our living, the hope of our calling, the giver of all good things; we know that you are always looking for a man or a woman who will make a difference. May it be this reader in Jesus name.

May He/she end up well and fulfilled in all endeavors of life, and this life's race. May He/she be that person who will stand in the gap between you and the people.

Today; I decree to you reading SOULFOOD every morning that you will be a blessing and not a curse. May you not end up in hell fire in Jesus name, Amen.

(Please pray that SOULFOOD doesn't go on break at all)

ALERT:>> We are fasting next week for our readers: for fruit of the womb, marriages, members' businesses and careers, different health issues, etc. Send in your prayer requests on Sunday night please.

Read: John 17
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Friday, May 22, 2015

Today's devotion

Friday May 22, 2015

Lord of all Hosts, the creator of the planets and the universe. Bless all SOULFOOD readers. We have made so many decrees and prayers on their heads, marriages, careers, businesses, issues and situations.

It is time for the manifestations. They have read enough to start seeing enough peace, growth and expansion in all areas of their lives. Solve those issue, Oh Lord, and give them a testimony in Jesus name; Amen.

Read: John 17
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Today's devotion. Heal The World. (Soulfood)

Thursday June 25, 2015.

I saw a picture that blurred my day yesterday. It was a picture of three tattered children on  thorn cloths, looking so hungry. I just could not hold my emotions. I called my family members to take a look. My first child felt so bad looking at the dejected state of these hungry kids.

I know we love putting smiles on people's faces but that singular picture made me feel like we have more work to do to HEAL THE WORLD. As a Christian, how much have you done to alleviate people's pains? Many want to make millions before they help others. But God expects that the least of our income should be spread to meet others' demands.

Know this; "The possession and riches of the generous increases larger; but the income of the stingy reduces to nothing." Prov.11:24 TVB (in view)

That word should teach you a lesson. If you want to get better, improve your giving attitude, but if you want the opposite, be stingy!

PRAYER: Lord, help me to use the little I have, to heal the world around me in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: Prov. 11; Matt.25:34; 22:37
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

TODAY devotion. powered by SOULFOOD


Wednesday May 13, 2015.
From yesterday's review class:

Kabelo M, South Africa, responded; "Verses 3-10: the first parable is set in an agricultural context "A sower went forth" refers to the ancient seed sower and we all are given seeds to sow.

Victor Ogaga, Nigeria, wrote; "The mysteries of the kingdom is not for everybody. It's meant for God's favorites alone; those with good ears to listen and of fleshy hearts."

From these we can conclude that this sower was being led by the spirit of God. But why would God lead Him to waste the seeds on unproductive grounds? Or does God want us to sow wherever His Spirit will lead us, whether it will produce or not?
Read: Eccl.11:6

Let's get your views please. Before fruitfulness there must be seed sowing.
Read: Matthew 13; Ex.23:16; Ex.26:12; Ps.126:5; Is.30:23
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

todays devotion


Thursday November 26, 2015.

Joseph's birthday may have fallen on January 1 – Tevet 12 in 1914 BC (BR). His birthday would be exactly 2200 years from the first January 1 – Tevet 12 in 4114 BC (BR). We could equally say that this event took place 290 years and 58 days after the birth of Abraham on November 11 – Heshvan 22 in 2166 BC (BR).

When God called Abram out of the city of Babylon, named Ur of the Chaldees, doom was set for the entire world populace. During the time of Noah, there was  flood which brought about famine but God sent Joseph years ahead to save Israel.

LOOK AT THIS: “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations— that’s what I had in mind for you.” Jeremiah 1:5 MSG

This SCRIPTURE is for you! If you disagree then that is why you are living your life carelessly. A person who knows where he is heading to does not spend time CHASING SHADOWS. If Joseph had, Israel would have perished. Are there people whose destinies are attached to yours, go ahead of them like Joseph.


PRAYER: Oh God of Heaven and Earth, forgive me in any way I have walked out on your plans for me. Bring me back to go ahead of many yet unborn; in Jesus name, Amen!
***DECEMBER IS SOULFOOD MONTH! If you have been blessed by the devotional, you can send in your SUPPORT. Write us an email...
Read: Genesis 47:1-10; 13:27
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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Today's devotion. Heal the world 2. (Soulfood)

Friday June 26, 2015

"Heal the World" is a song from Michael Jackson's hit album, "Dangerous". Released in 1991 and directed by Joe Pytka, the music video featured children living in countries suffering from unrest, especially Burundi.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me.'

These words can make a compassionate heart to bleed. You can never see God perfectly in your situation till you see someone whose desire is to be in your shoes. This message from Michael Jackson was handed over to believers by Jesus and practiced in Acts where the income of each believer belonged to God and benefitted all.

If believers can live for the ‘fold’ and the people outside ‘the fold’, we can make a better place for all. But when we allow selfishness to overtake us, we make little effect of the gospel.

"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” ‎Matt. 5:16 NASB

PRAYER: Lord, help me to live a selfless life; for the church and the people. Bless the works of my hands to be effective in this new journey in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: Prov. 11; Matt.25:34; 22:37
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Friday, May 15, 2015

Today's devotion from SOULFOOD team

Saturday May 16, 2015.
The Thomas Jefferson's "Declaration of Independence", pushed by John Adams on July 4, 1776, gave United States of America her independence. That year brought the jubilee to that great nation.
There's always something spiritual about every year. Each year brings about success to some people, and to others, failure.
The Bible talking about Jacob says: 'Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him.' Gen. 26:12 KJV

Jacob received God's favour and protections from King Abimelech, and in the same year, he received increase more than he had ever had.
God's promises for you are ever sure. This may be that year of fulfilment. Get ready to receive increase in every area of your life.
#TODAY: I prophecy increase over your career, business, academics, vocation, visions, programs, etc. I declare this year to be that year you have been waiting for in Jesus name, Amen.
Read: Gen.26; 30:30, 43
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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Today's devotion. From Soulfood


Friday May 15, 2015.

A complete and concluded study on Jesus might teach someone about 2% of who He is. I was marveled at the revelation I received while attending a burial ceremony. I have read the Bible cover to cover and found out that Jesus never attended any burial ceremony.

In Matt. 8:21-2, a certain disciple was giving excuses because of his father’s burial but Jesus said; ‘Follow me and let the dead bury their dead.’

But in the case of the ruler’s daughter in Matt. 9:23-5, and in the case of Lazarus in Jn.11:43-4; He ignored the situation and brought them back to life.

We have buried a lot of living things because we concluded that they were already dead. We have given up on several situations just at the dying minute. Jesus, whom we follow is life and can give life to every dead person, situation, project, marriage, career, etc.

‘God is not the God of the dead, but of the living’ (Matt. 22:32b). The dead shall hear His voice and live again. Jn.5:25

If you are serving the resurrection and the life (Jn.11:25), command those dying things around you today to receive life in Jesus name, Amen. Shout His name today till that situation hears it.

Waiting for your testimony...

DECREES: Today, I decree that that seed won't die in your hand. That marriage or dead situation will not be buried in your time. I command every dead virtue, business, career, project, vision, to receive strength to live in Jesus name, Amen!

Read: John 5
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Briging you today's devotion. From SOULFOOD


Thursday May 14, 2015.

Pastor Sabastine, Imo Nigeria, believes that "The seed has ability to produce, but can be killed or stifled if not properly handled."

Pst. Emma Egbujor, Enugu Nigeria: "Sowing is a matter of choice, ardent follow-up and rugged commitment."

Tennille, Toronto Canada, believes that "The grass (germinated crops) is greenest where you water it."

GABRIEL OJONUGWA, Lagos Nigeria: "Sowing requires timing and sensitivity to the spirit of God.

Now we are learning more. All these are taking us to the fact that it takes a good sower to have a good harvest.

So rise up today; sow that seed of the gospel unto a heart, seed of money into that life, ministry, vision. Sow a car, a house, an idea, a gadget, etc. Don't stifle that seed. Make your way greener by watering it. Be sensitive to the spirit's leadership by ardent commitment.

The world is waiting for you. Do not eat that seed. Locate that fertile ground today and sow into it and allow the master to do His own part.

Read: Eccl.11:6
Before fruitfulness there must be seed sowing.

Read: Matthew 13; Ex.23:16; Ex.26:12; Ps.126:5; Is.30:23
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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Soul food devotion today...may 18 2015


Monday May 18, 2015.

Of all the parables of Jesus one stands out; THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS. Here, Jesus enumerated the lifestyle of the lazy and the ardent worker. People are given talents according to their 'several abilities'. Some put theirs into use but 'the cowards' bury theirs for fear of failure; and consequently lose their life, talents and eternity thereon.

Fear of failure has destroyed a lot of projects, visions, ventures, careers, set goals, etc. The giver of your talent knows your 'several abilities'. The vision of SOULFOOD came in 2001 and we started online publishing in 2012. So tiring as it is, we will stop at nothing till we meet that man or woman who will see the spiritual and economic value and we will work as a team till it gets to every shelve and table on earth.

That 'TALENT' in you has a global reach. Pursue it with your last breath. Don't bury it. So did every invention and conglomerate you see today start with paperworks.

DECLARATION: Today, I declare grace to come upon you to work out every talent in you in Jesus name, Amen

Read: Matt.25:14-30; John 5
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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Today's devotion.

Wednesday July 1, 2015.

The prehistoric picture drawn in Revelation 12 about the battle in heaven came without timeline. Satan started this battle as a coup d'etat to take the crown of leadership from God.

See this: "7. And a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels, 8. and the dragon and his angels lost both the battle and their place in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceived the whole world: he was cast out down into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Rev.12:7-9 TVB (in view)

This battle is still imminent. If Satan could venture into stealing God's crown, then yours would be adventure. Guide your faith; it yields the crown of righteousness (2 Tim.4:8).

PRAYER: Lord, grant me the wisdom to resist Satan at all cost. Give me the strength to fight till the end in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: 2 Tim.4; James 1:12; 1 Pet.5:4; 1 Thes.2:19
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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Today's devotion

Monday June 22, 2015.

Ministering in three different programs made our yesterday so hectic. All the programs were so excitingly filled with God's presence. The second program was a revival program with a bunch of teenagers.

In the program I noticed a little girl riding a car tyre around the venue. I was looking at this shameless girl with good smiles and dentition. As I looked, I heard a voice in my spirit; "no one knows what this child will become in time to come". These words range BELL!

You may be equivalent to this girl now. Your career, job, vocation, marriage, ministry, academics, etc may seem like one 'riding a tyre'. You need to take the bull by the horn in order to metamorphose into something else: something more dangerous than the hordes of darkness can handle. Fire prayers, fast, battle, update upgrade your character. These are exit routes!

Today; I decree that you are leaving that stage of 'riding a none automated tyre' in Jesus name, Amen! PRAY!

1 Cor.16:13; Eph.6:10; 2 Tim.2:1
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015



Thursday August 6, 2015.

As a kid, my dad shared a story with us on how demons destroy relationships. 'Once upon a time, there were two close friends. One day, as they were talking, a demon walked in and farted. They argued on who did that and later resolved. This continued till they fought and got separated'.

Satan and his cohorts are experts at this. They do not enjoy seeing a happy family. We shouldn't allow any communication gap in our families knowing that demons can fill them up.

A family is a mini church (assembly), and every step to conflict resolution should be taken serious. If this is not done, the enemy will take his place.

The Bible says; "You do not commit sin by merely getting angry. Don't hold it till nighttime; don't provide any room (foothold, opportunity, level ground, chance) for the devil." Eph.4:26-27 TVB (in view)

1. Grant me a forgiving heart.
2. May I always see things from your  word's point of view.
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Read: Eph.4; Col.3:13
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Friday, July 3, 2015

Today's devotion. Fight to finish

Saturday July 4, 2015.

The Cold War which lasted more than 40 years, from the mid-1940s to the end of the 1980s, was a conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union.  THE WAR WAS COLD BECAUSE NO SIDE ENGAGED IN ARMED COMBAT. After being allies in defeating Nazi Germany World War II in 1945, the two countries were having differences. Communism, capitalism, economic and regional control suddenly stirred up a “SILENT WAR”.

The NUCLEAR ARMS RACE made each side beef up its arsenal of nuclear weapons; atomic and hydrogen bombs. The Soviet Union nearly went broke as a result of the Cold War.

Most of us are fighting a COLD WAR with the enemy. This war is based on spiritual, economic and regional interests. Satan is interested in your finances, job, marriage, life, academics, peace, success, breakthrough, accommodation, etc. He wants you to fail in these, while you want to succeed. The grace of God is available to win this battle. So be proactive; fight to finish! Make the war HOT. Sound the alarm. Do not rest till every enemy is defeated. Remember if you don’t fight, you can go BROKE!

“No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling place. Psalm 91:10 (NKJV)


Read: Psalm 91; Romans 12; 1:5; 2 Pet. 1; Jn. 1:16
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Monday, May 18, 2015

Today's devotion


Tuesday May 19, 2015.

"17. Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? 18. And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness." Isaiah 29:17-18 KJV

Many people are experiencing dryness in many areas of their lives. This dryness may be in their spiritual lives, marriages, businesses, pursuits, etc. The dryness may have caused barrenness, unfruitful transactions, stagnation, etc.

If you are in this class, today, you can witness the prophesy of Lebanon. This nation being part of the Asian Minor is located on dry grounds. But by the reason of prophesy it is enjoying economic prowess today.

TODAY, I declare to you that every dryness in your life, marriage, business, shall be turned into a fruitful field. I decree that every deaf ear holding you back shall hear God's word which shall set you free. Be delivered out of that obscurity in JESUS NAME, Amen!

Read: Isaiah 29; 32:15
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Friday, July 10, 2015

Today's devotion. Happy weekend

Saturday July 11, 2015.

Around 800 to 1100AD, Vikings terrorized people of northern Europe. These came from Scandinavian countries like; Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. People ran and hid when they saw Viking ships coming because they were so daring and frightening. Outraged by harsh weather and struggles to survive, Vikings rowed their ‘dragon ships’  with oars to ‘NEVERLANDS’, attacking villages, churches and coasts; seizing valuables, kidnapping men, women and children to sell as slaves.

With their successful invasions, they killed local rulers and set up their own kingdoms and installed their own cultures. They reached Scotland, Ireland, England, France, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Iraq, and were the first to land in North America, which they called Vinland.

This is the nature of Satan and his demons. They walk to and fro, exploring lands, scattering lives and destroying souls. They have destroyed lives. They damage God’s presence over lives and install their own government.
Since they are very daring and powerful, your greatest tool is; “Submit yourselves to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you”. James 4:7 KJV

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to grow stronger, to resist the evil that is in this present age, in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: 2 Cor.12:7; 2 Thes.2:9; Rev.12:9; Judges 9:24;
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Wednesday July 22, 2015.

From today, you shall witness changes in every area of your life. The Lord shall cause you to increase both in knowledge and possession. For the fact that He is your Shepherd, you shall not be in want.

He will lead the way so that you do not fall into the trap of falsehood in these evil days. The spirit of this end time will not manifest in you and your family.

From today, I declare you totally set free in Jesus name. The Lord shall make grace to be active in you, so that having all sufficiency, you shall abound in every good work.

May that desire produce fruit in you as you shout this Amen! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Read: Matthew 24; 2 Pet.3
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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Daily devotional today

Thursday July 9, 2015.

1180 - 1170BC: ‘Trojan War’ and the ‘Fall of Troy’ took place. Between 830 – 630BC, Al Mina becomes trade centre, Greek alphabet developed, Greece colonized Aegean cost, Homer Writes Iliad and Odyssey, 15th Olympiad, Boxing Added to Olympic Games (688BC), Chariot Races Added to Olympic Games (680BC), Greek Archon Restricted to One-Year Term, Solon Establishes Athenian Democracy (594BC), Greeks Found First Public Libraries (550BC). 510BC – 470BC: Persian wars like; Plataea, Artemisia, Marathon and Salamis took place.

I took so much time to study this great nation’s history and discovered her prowess in archaeology, education, inventions, mathematics, physics, and much more, till I got to 10BC. But watching these people suffer made us to think of avenues of raising funds to go for humanitarian/gospel trip.

We are in an unseen battle with the enemy. It doesn’t matter who you are now but who you will continue to be. You can bind and cast, make progress, and win all your battles.

The enemy is only interested in your economy and glory (faith). When he succeeds, you become a history. From today, tighten your plans. Start a fresh prayer for your future, your family and the Church.

Ephesians 6:12

King of Heaven and the earth, secure my future. Save me from future shame, collapse and economic crunch in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: Ephesians 6:10-18
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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Today's devotion. (Soul food)

Monday July 6, 2015.

All indications and revelations are pointing towards something fearful happening on planet earth. If it's not the coming of Jesus, then it's DOOM...

It looks like God's anger is stretched and about to unleash... The world is turning more abominable!

With all the recent laws and scheming of men to elude the earth of God's presence, will eventually bring disaster as judgement. This DOOMSDAY...

Live ready.

PRAYER: Lord, help me live ready at any time. May I not fall short of your glory in Jesus name, Amen!

Read: 2 Pet.3; Jude 1
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