Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How Pornography Killed the Real Men

his is the question lots of women are asking lately: “Where have all the men gone?”, WERE ARE THE REAL MEN“ Here’s the short answer: They died. No, not literally.
They died because they stopped growing up. They got stuck being boys. And the real reason behind that?
You heard me right.
Sex is one of the most desirable things that God has created for us to enjoy. It is one of the greatest emotions translated into physical action that a man or woman could want in life.
And now it’s been reduced to a few minutes in front of the screen. It’s been chopped down from a 2-person relationship to a solo act.
You don’t have to man up to be able to taste sex anymore.
You get a cheap shot at the next best thing.
I know. I’ve been there.
And yes it’s tough. Very tough.
Manning up takes time, discipline, principles, hard work, character, faith and consistency.
It takes a lot of yourself.
When you indulge in pornography, you are doing a workaround for your need of sexual fulfillment. It fills up your emotional tanks for a while.
That short while translates into a habit. And then the habit translates into a mindset.
Let’s get things straight: Men want sex.
And the problem with pornography is that it makes us guys zero in on the pleasures of it – and it leaves out all the consequences and prerequisites.
It tunnel-visions us into a shortcut.
And so we’re left with this desire for having shortcuts for sex.
Why go through the long, hard toil of becoming a man who has to deal with courtship, conflict resolution, leadership, financial security, and all that crap involved in pursuing a woman?
Why even think of waking early and lacking sleep taking care of a baby you don’t want?
Porn videos don’t show that you have to take care of your woman.
Porn videos don’t show that you have to take care of a baby.
Porn killed the real men.


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