Tuesday, May 26, 2015


For the Mystery of the Earth is likened unto this Parable.
Behold the Mystery of the Earth as a Farmer that owns a Field and in it does plant,for in it He planted the Vines,for He has a plan to turn His Field to a Vineyard.
So He Laboured to plant & His Labours He rested from His Work waiting for the Day of Harvest,but before then He use to check on the Field to see the Vines.
For 3 Time He did this checking before Harvest,for the 1st Time He checked His saw that the Vines were all growing,but the 2nd Time He check He saw differences in the Vines for some Grew Good & Many Evil so He left with out damaging the Evil vines thinking it may still Grow,but Lastly when He checked the Good were ready for the Harvest but the Evil were totally spoit for destruction,so He Harvested the Good Ones & Spoiled the spoit ones.

For behold the interpretation of this Mystery by Wisdom.
For these are the Wisdom of the Signs in this Parable.
Take the Field as a Sign representing the Earth,for the Farmer is GOD while Men are the Seeds.
While the Parable itself signify the Destiny of GOD from the Begining of Creation to the End.
For in the Begining of Creation GOD made the Earth & planted Man on It to increase HIS Glory,& at the 7th Day of Creation GOD rested from HIS WORKS.
For the LORD Lives in the Heavens but many times HE does visit the Earth to Witness what It,but 1st HE saw Us as little Children a mixture of Good & Evil that are still Growing so HE left Us to Grow.
But as times goes on,as We Children starts Growing We start Growing different,some became Saints while others criminals.
But at the Last days the Saints became ready for the Harvest(Rapture) while the sinner were made ready for Destruction(the End of the world),so when the LORD shall come HE shall Harvest the Saints and burn away the sinners.
LESSON:That while Childrens were born They might all seem alike unto Men because They all seem to posses the Blessings of GOD,for You might not be Wise to differeciate the Good from the Evil,but be Patient in handling Children for as They Grow old Some would take the Path of obedience unto the Laws & Judgement while many shall be wicked and crimeful.
For as Children grows old some become Blessed by GOD while many are Cursed,for it is the Blessings & Curse that make The difference in Us.
For while We were Young We all look the same for We have not started to receive a Blessing or a Curse from GOD but while We are old We are different because Some of Us were Blessed while others Cursed.
So therefor Train up a Child in the Way He should Grow.


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