Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Danger of Sudden Death!!!

Nobody knows when he is going to die. You may
say, "I don’t like to hear talk about death." Well,
when people quit dying, I will quit talking about
death. You don’t like to hear about death because
you know you are not right with God. If you want
hear a little, quiet sermonette on Sunday morning,
you are in the wrong place.
If you say, "I don’t like all this hellfire preaching,"
you too are in the wrong place.
Billy Sunday said, "If we had more preaching on
from the pulpit, we would have less Hell in the
There is more in the Bible about Hell than there is
about Heaven. Jesus preached more on Hell than
any preacher who has ever lived! He just kept on
saying, "You will go to Hell! The worm never dies!
The fire is not quenched! It is a real place!" He
continually warned men to stay out of Hell.
In this congregation sits a young man. I led him
Christ; I led his wife to Christ; I led his daughter
Christ. I spoke to him about two Sunday
ago at the door in the back, and I heard him tell
He was so burdened about his brother, in his
twenties, that he took off from work and went to
Florida to try to lead him to Christ. He said to his
brother, "I’m saved, and I want you to be saved. I
want to tell you how to get saved."
They prayed. As he tried to show his brother how
get saved, his brother laughed at him! "I’m young.
have plenty of time to get saved later on. Leave
alone! I am just in my twenties!"
This man came back to Atlanta brokenhearted
because his brother wouldn’t accept Christ.
A week later his brother picked up a hitchhiker.
hitchhiker picked up a revolver and unloaded six
shots into him and dumped him out in the desert
He was found a few weeks later and brought back
here. I conducted his funeral. When I stood over
casket, I could almost hear him say, "Leave me
alone! I’m young! I am just in my twenties! I have
plenty of time to get saved later on!"
So far as we know, he is now in Hell!
There is the danger of sudden death; you don’t
know when you will die.


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