Thursday, May 14, 2015


Ignorance of the Law is no excuse to sin against God... (Lev 4:13)
Few weeks ago I was driving in Port Harcourt Rivers State, but against the traffic on a one way route... The Rivers State traffic official arrested me on that account which I sincerely told them that I never knew it was a one way route since that was my first time in PH.... The officer said in a low tone "you should have studied the signs on the road sides" immediately that statement referred me to God's Judgment.. And I asked myself "will God listen and take ignorance as an excuse to sin? Anf the answer is NO.. they made us to pay for our Sin of breaking the law of the state...
Yesterday I was also trying to know what and what could be sinful in a marriage bed... Even though I'm legally married to my wife is that an excuse for me to engage with sexual immorality and lust on my marriage bed? Just as by law I'm free to drive anywhere in the country by the implication of my drivers license.. But when I used the same licence to drive against the law I was made to pay for it not minding my license and freedom to drive...
Does marriage give couples license to engage on uncleanness such as oral sex, sexual fantasies and orgies? Or is grace a license to shurn the law at will?..
The Bible stated that the soul that sinnet must die... Be he who, whether he knows or does not know.. Once you break the rules of God and His principles for marriage you will pay for it here or in the life to come..
Therefore This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8...
Church, preachers, teachers it's not enough to preach against sin you must also tell them what and which is sinful.... Church and brethren it is not enough to depend on your pastor to know the truth.. Grab your bible and read 📖 then you will know the truth and the truth you know concerning everything in this life is what will make you free... John 8:31-32


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