Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How to Control your Desires

CRAVINGS1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I’ve read this passage a number of times but it was only last night that it made sense to me.

Thanks to Jerry Bridges for his book,Pursuit of Holiness, I better understand how it is to care for my body as God’s Temple. 
Technology and its advances have brought convenience and comfort to almost everyone in this generation. Everyday there’s a new application whether it be for your pad, phone or computer to make your life easier; if not entertained. There are also rumors of new cars being able to drive on its own and park by itself. Buffets, trending dessert joints, spas can be seen all over the country. Common denominator? PLEASURE.
I’m not one to say that this is bad. Or that treating yourself with a delectable meal is sin. These are your convictions. But indeed, the world offers a lot of choices to satisfy the cravings of the flesh. With and in all these lies a decision to say yes or no, to say more or that’s enough. The question is, are you making the right decision?
The verse previously mentioned talks about EVERYTHING that we do, should be done for the GLORY OF GOD. It doesn’t say to rejuvenate my senses neither does it say, do it that you may become beautiful and sexy or that you do it to FEEL GOOD. NO, It says, that it may glorify GOD.
WHY? Number 1. Because you can NEVER quench the desires of your flesh. Today, you may feel like you NEED to have that slice of cake. Tomorrow, you’d want to have a good Swedish massage, the next day and the day after, you’d feel like wanting if not needing something else if not something more.
Number 2. Because pampering and indulging in your physical pleasures numbs your spiritual thirsts. Aside from the roller coaster feelings of wanting and needing to have this or to do that, your body would also have the LAZY TIRED FEELING or the NOT feeling like doing anything mode. Either or, you’re being a slave to your flesh.
 1 Corinthians 9: 27, “No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.”
physical trainingPaul writes that we are to be masters of our bodies. Our appetites should not get the best of us. YOU KNOW what your weaknesses are. You know what tempts you. Paul in this verse, tells us to BEAT our bodies up; in other words, DISCIPLINE. Know the triggers, the method and the cycle of why you keep wanting to fill that emptiness inside. Don’t let your feelings dictate what you should do because more often that not, it won’t.
Proverbs 27:12 “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.”
I’m certain that one way or the other, you have already suffered the consequences of giving-in to your flesh whether it be an overweight problem, unproductive days, lustful thoughts, and others. Stop. Glorify God.


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