Thursday, July 16, 2015

Today's devotion. Friday

Friday July 17, 2015.

“For by it – FAITH, the elders received an excellent report.” Hebrews 11:2 TVB (in view)

Just take a moment to visualize David standing before Goliath in the great battle of ages. That’s worth much guts. If you were Goliath you might also disdain his abilities (1 Sam. 17:43).

David never considered the size of Goliath. Since Goliath sized himself as a dog, David took advantage of it because he had killed a lion and a bear; seemingly bigger animals than a dog. Again, the name of THE GOD OF ISRAEL (whom Goliath defiled) was a SUBSTANCE and the LION and the BEAR were the evidences he had.

Most of your challenges will come in BIG, masquerade sizes. Just engage them by faith, you will find out they are mere 'donuts'!

From today, be brave in your heart and strong in your spirit. There is nothing too big for the Lord to do. With Him there is no mountain too high and no valley too low. This is your nature; explore it!

1. Show me every secret battle going on in my life.
2. Grant me the guts to fight valiantly.
3. May every opposition in my life be destroyed in Jesus name, Amen! PRAY!!!

Read: Hebrews 1; John 16:1; 1 Sam. 17
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