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Showing posts sorted by date for query soulfood. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

todays devotion


Thursday November 26, 2015.

Joseph's birthday may have fallen on January 1 – Tevet 12 in 1914 BC (BR). His birthday would be exactly 2200 years from the first January 1 – Tevet 12 in 4114 BC (BR). We could equally say that this event took place 290 years and 58 days after the birth of Abraham on November 11 – Heshvan 22 in 2166 BC (BR).

When God called Abram out of the city of Babylon, named Ur of the Chaldees, doom was set for the entire world populace. During the time of Noah, there was  flood which brought about famine but God sent Joseph years ahead to save Israel.

LOOK AT THIS: “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations— that’s what I had in mind for you.” Jeremiah 1:5 MSG

This SCRIPTURE is for you! If you disagree then that is why you are living your life carelessly. A person who knows where he is heading to does not spend time CHASING SHADOWS. If Joseph had, Israel would have perished. Are there people whose destinies are attached to yours, go ahead of them like Joseph.


PRAYER: Oh God of Heaven and Earth, forgive me in any way I have walked out on your plans for me. Bring me back to go ahead of many yet unborn; in Jesus name, Amen!
***DECEMBER IS SOULFOOD MONTH! If you have been blessed by the devotional, you can send in your SUPPORT. Write us an email...
Read: Genesis 47:1-10; 13:27
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Thursday, August 6, 2015



Friday August 7, 2015.

Years ago, we were battling with our first daughter's health. Lyrics would be healthy till Sunday afternoon, and then will start running temperature. The fever would go on till Wednesday evening. We always saved against Sunday to take care of her medical bills till Wednesday. This continued for several months.

Her last test result showed a low immune system which needed to be boosted. It would cost several thousands of dollars and we didn't have it. One day, a woman from our local assembly advised us to load her with fruits. We started and extended that to her siblings. Since then, non of our kids have visited any medical centre.

The Bible says; "My desire for you is to increase in material possession, enjoy healthy living, even as your soul prospers". 3 John 1:2 TVB (in view)

God's desire for us is to enjoy total wellbeing.

Try these tips from today!
1. Eat PURPLE fruits for a longer life.
2. Eat GREEN fruits to detoxify your system.
3. Eat YELLOW fruits for your joints.
4. Eat RED fruits for a healthy heart.

*A little more exercise can keep you stronger.
*Too much processed food can lead to premature ageing. It dumps toxins too.
*A good adequate diet can keep you healthy.

Don't live to eat, eat to live. Don't eat like a Bullfrog, eat wise!

Oh Lord, guide my steps into your word. Help my household to live healthy in Jesus name, Amen.
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Read: 3 John; 1 Tim.4:8
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015



Thursday August 6, 2015.

As a kid, my dad shared a story with us on how demons destroy relationships. 'Once upon a time, there were two close friends. One day, as they were talking, a demon walked in and farted. They argued on who did that and later resolved. This continued till they fought and got separated'.

Satan and his cohorts are experts at this. They do not enjoy seeing a happy family. We shouldn't allow any communication gap in our families knowing that demons can fill them up.

A family is a mini church (assembly), and every step to conflict resolution should be taken serious. If this is not done, the enemy will take his place.

The Bible says; "You do not commit sin by merely getting angry. Don't hold it till nighttime; don't provide any room (foothold, opportunity, level ground, chance) for the devil." Eph.4:26-27 TVB (in view)

1. Grant me a forgiving heart.
2. May I always see things from your  word's point of view.
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Read: Eph.4; Col.3:13
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Thursday July 30, 2015.

Last Easter, I got a picture of the resurrection from a friend. It's the funniest picture I have ever seen. But wait! It made a lot of sense!

The picture displayed Angels kicking off the stone and Jesus jumping out shouting TaDa!!, with much laughter, while all the pressmen in the world were taking pictures with iPads, Tablets, Phones, Cameras, etc. It was so amazing.

It got me really thinking. If He resurrected in our generation that would have been the scenario. Yes, He did too! He did that to destroy the works of Satan (sin, sicknesses, pains, diseases, lack, poverty, etc.) in all generations.

Read: 1 John 3:8

From today, by the reason of Christ's resurrection, you shall celebrate victory over these works of Satan in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: 1 John 3; Rev.1:13; 15:2; Rom.13:12;
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Monday, July 27, 2015


Tuesday July 28, 2015.

Rattlesnake is one of the most deadly snakes. A drop of the Vernon can kill ten men instantly. When it strikes, the Vernon is deposited into the person's veins. From there it flows to the blood stream and shuts down all the cells and organs, and without quick medicare, the person dies.

This has been Satan's strategy against the Church. He uses some unrepentant Church goers at the leadership positions to suggest things which run contrary to the mysteries of godliness. As long as the Church adopts these measures, she retains little of God's presence.

The Bible says: [About the condition of your church] your boasting is not good [indeed, it is most unseemly and entirely out of place]. Do you not know that [just] a little leaven will ferment the whole lump [of dough]? 1 Cor.5:6 AMP

Today, pray for the total wellbeing of the Church.

(We are still collecting feedbacks).

Read: Jude 1
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Friday, July 24, 2015


Saturday July 25, 2015.

If you are a Bible reader you should know Acts so much. Check if you can remember these cities; Tarsus, Silicia, Pamphylia, Cyprus, Tire and Sidon, Derbe, Cappadocia, Galatia, Neopolis, Bithynia, Ankara, Antioch, Syria, Macedonia, Berea, Thessalonia, Philipia, etc.

These were all the areas Paul and the rest covered in their missionary journeys. They were about 98% Christians. But so sad that the region contains only 2% Christians today.

The Bible says: "But exhort one another daily, while it is called today..." Heb.3:13a

For us to win this battle, we have to go back to the Bible. Our prototypes are the gospel, Acts, Epistles, Revelation, and all the old testament (as fulfilled).

This is like the days of Elijah. The days when we are expected to speak God's word boldly. It's a time to live for one another. A time to eschew sin and work for the good of the kingdom. The Church is under a siege from the kingdom of darkness. With you we can win this battle.

PRAYER: Oh God, grant us the strength, unity and brotherly kindness. Build us a strong force in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: Matt.6; Rev.21
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Thursday, July 23, 2015


Friday July 24, 2015.

Zathura. Walter and Danny were feeling bored being left with Lisa, their teenage sister, while their parents were away. They began playing Zathura, a space-theme board game which has mystic powers. With the game, their house got shot into the space. This case happen in many families today.

Animations like Jumanji, Bridge to Terabithia, Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Black Hole, Gravity, Avatar, Thunderbirds, The Mysterious Island, etc are full HD graphics with magical themes.

Prolonged viewing of these animations may have negative effects on kids and teens. They can introduce your children to rituals, idolatry, reincarnation, fantasy, magic, sorcery, occult symbols, objects and idols, UFO's and extra terrestrials, witchcraft and Satan worship, astrology and horoscope, mediums, spirit channeling, holistic medicine, and lots more. The Church leaders do not see this 'loophole' for the enemy.

The Bible says: "But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness." 2 Tim.2:16 NASB

If the Church is committed to building games and animations with strong biblical themes and languages, we can save the future of the church. Therefore, our ministry is committed to achieving these.

#LORD, wake the Church to understand the battle within her walls in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: 1 Tim.4; 2 Tim.4
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Thursday July 23, 2015.

The major primary attacks against homes and the church are from 3D animations and games. These are means of introducing your children to magic and mediums.

The Gathering, Dungeons, Dragons, Pokemon, Ouija, demonbuster, etc, are direct demonic attacks and influences to the homes.

The entire aim of these games are to introduce your children to rituals, idolatry, reincarnation, fantasy, white and black magic, sorcery, shamanism, polytheism, occult symbols, objects and idols, UFO's and extra terrestrials, witchcraft and Satan worship, astrology and horoscope, tarot card, ouija boards and palm readings, fire-walking, seances, mediums, spirit channeling, holistic medicine, and lots more.

Prophecy fulfilled:
"But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons." 1 Tim.4:1 NASB

Watch the games your households play. These are the areas the enemy used to destroy the foundations. The Church feels it's no priority making games but she has billions of her members playing them. Considering these, our ministry's budgets a lot into games. We plan to create imagery and fantasy games with strong biblical themes and scenes.

#PRAYER: Oh Lord;
1. Deliver me and my family from the spirit of the last days.
2. Help the church to wake up to the call.

Read: 1 Tim.4; 2 Tim.4
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Wednesday July 22, 2015.

From today, you shall witness changes in every area of your life. The Lord shall cause you to increase both in knowledge and possession. For the fact that He is your Shepherd, you shall not be in want.

He will lead the way so that you do not fall into the trap of falsehood in these evil days. The spirit of this end time will not manifest in you and your family.

From today, I declare you totally set free in Jesus name. The Lord shall make grace to be active in you, so that having all sufficiency, you shall abound in every good work.

May that desire produce fruit in you as you shout this Amen! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Read: Matthew 24; 2 Pet.3
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Monday, July 20, 2015

Today's devotion

Please Read...

Tuesday July 21, 2015
*Muslims got state holidays in USA.
*Iran got a license for nuclear arms production.
*Palestine is going to become a sovereign state.

WHAT DO WE CALL THESE? Let's see the Bible's viewpoint.

"7And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.  9And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about (Temple), and the beloved city (Jerusalem, Israel): and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them." Rev.20:7-10 KJV

The temple and part of Jerusalem has been in contention between Israel and Palestine. Once Palestine becomes a sovereign state it means war for Israel. Iran has been chanting that Israel will be deleted from the map of the earth.

The recent events are just unfolding in our very eyes. Someone is presently deceiving the whole world. Soon, Gog and Magog (the entire military facilities of Middle East) shall be gathered against Israel.

Do you think the Man of Peace (Antichrist) is here?

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: They shall prosper that love thee." Ps.122:6

Read: Ez.38-39; Rev.20
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Friday, July 17, 2015

Today's devotion. Saturday

Saturday July 18, 2015.

“To be candid, if they had a retrospect of the country which they left, they would have had good reasons to go back.” Hebrews 11:15 TVB (in view)

'A soldier does not fight hard because he wants to come back and meet what he left behind, nor because the person facing him is an enemy, but he fights because he needs to stay alive.'

Abraham obeyed God's voice to leave Chaldean - Babylon; present day Iraq. If he had not, his descendants would have been part of Iraq today. For decades, Iraq has witnessed insurgencies and troubles more than any other nation of the world. Though rich in crude oil deposits, she is very poor as a nation.

In contrast, Israel has remained a peaceful and self-sufficient nation in terms of Agriculture, technology, engineering, etc. Abraham's obedience gave his generations a better place.

Heed God's voice calling you today. Don't allow SIN, lack, pressures from pleasures of this world, to keep you back. Fight those future battles today with just obedience. ‘Do not retreat, Do not surrender! Onward ever, Backward never!

PRAYER: Oh Lord;
1. Create in me a new heart that races after your word.
2. Save me and my family from future crisis by your word in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: Heb. 11
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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Today's devotion. Friday

Friday July 17, 2015.

“For by it – FAITH, the elders received an excellent report.” Hebrews 11:2 TVB (in view)

Just take a moment to visualize David standing before Goliath in the great battle of ages. That’s worth much guts. If you were Goliath you might also disdain his abilities (1 Sam. 17:43).

David never considered the size of Goliath. Since Goliath sized himself as a dog, David took advantage of it because he had killed a lion and a bear; seemingly bigger animals than a dog. Again, the name of THE GOD OF ISRAEL (whom Goliath defiled) was a SUBSTANCE and the LION and the BEAR were the evidences he had.

Most of your challenges will come in BIG, masquerade sizes. Just engage them by faith, you will find out they are mere 'donuts'!

From today, be brave in your heart and strong in your spirit. There is nothing too big for the Lord to do. With Him there is no mountain too high and no valley too low. This is your nature; explore it!

1. Show me every secret battle going on in my life.
2. Grant me the guts to fight valiantly.
3. May every opposition in my life be destroyed in Jesus name, Amen! PRAY!!!

Read: Hebrews 1; John 16:1; 1 Sam. 17
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Thursday July 16, 2015.

The First World War began on July 28, 1914 and lasted until November 11, 1918. More than 9 million combatants and 7 million civilians died as a result of that fierce war. When the news of the World War 2 went on air, the hearts of many went cold considering the catastrophe the First World War unleashed.

Consequently, the war involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries, who threw in their entire economic, industrial and scientific capabilities. There were mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust which killed about 11 million people. In summary, it resulted in an estimated 50 million to 85 million fatalities, making it the worst in human history.

The Bible says: 'Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.' Prov. 3:25-26 KJV

Certain news, like the present global economic crises, will make your heart skip. Sometimes, the fear of some past occurrences will get you discouraged.

God is saying to you; Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10.

You shall dwell in safety from now on in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: Deut. 31:6; Isaiah 41:10
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Wedesday July 15, 2015.

The Ten Plagues were God’s policing tools against Egypt to LET-HIS-PEOPLE-GO! They were unleashed to contrast the power of ‘Yahweh’ with the impotence of Egypt's various gods. The Plagues were; Water into blood, Frogs, Lice, Flies, Diseased livestock, Boils, Storms of fire, Locusts, Darkness and Death of firstborn. Pharaoh gave up after the tenth plague, approving the Exodus of the Hebrew people.

God said; "On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn; man and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD" Exodus 12:12 NIV

The plagues were for two reasons: to answer Pharaoh's taunt, “Who is God that I should obey his voice to let Israel go?” and to indelibly convince Israel of God's power as an object lesson “throughout the world”. Exodus 9:15–16

God was there when Egypt enslaved Israel, killed all their male children, and used them as animals. Now it was their payback time. God knows all you are going through now; how you have tried to gain moral, financial, academic, vocational freedom, to no avail. He will redeem the years you think you have lost. Just keep pushing and trusting His salvation.

I declare you totally set free from every oppression in Jesus name, Amen!

Read: Ex. 7 - 11
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Monday, July 13, 2015


Tuesday July 14, 2015.

The most possible date of the Exodus is around 1446 BC. The timeline is as follows:
The Pharaoh who killed Hebrew children was Amuntotep I: 1532-1511 BC
The Pharaoh's Daughter who adopted Moses was Hatshepsut: 1526 BC
The Pharaoh of Moses' flight to Midian was Thutmoses II/Hatshepsut: 1498-1485 BC
The Pharaoh of the Exodus was Thutmoses III: 1485/1464 - 1431 BC.

All these took place so that we would know that God rules in the affairs of men.

I know you may have had challenges that put you to tears always before today. I know you desire to be free from every enslavement; be it spiritual, moral, financial, marital, health, job, etc. I assure you that God will visit you before the end of the year. Just try your best to live righteously.

God says; “I have surely visited you and seen what is done to you in Egypt(past years); and I have said I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt... to a land flowing with milk and honey.” Ex.4:16c-17 NKJV

From today, I DECREE that:
1. Whatever enslavement you are into now has ended.
2. God's word over your situations will turn positive.
3. You shall be delivered to freedom as Israel was delivered into Canaan in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: Ex. 3; Leviticus 25:13
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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Today's devotion. Happy Sunday

Sunday July 12, 2015.

1446 BC; a year that would always go down in the histories of Egypt and Israel. Moses who grew up as A PRINCE OF EGYPT ran away for fear of Pharaoh when he killed an Egyptian, returned to deliver Israel.

Hatshepsut, Moses’ stepmother would behold him again. Thutmoses II, the fellow young prince that grew up with him would see him again.

After the unleashing of the 9th plague, Moses was left with one lifeline; THE DEATH OF ALL EGYPT’S FIRST BORN SONS. The ANGEL OF DEATH did just that and the night would always be remembered as PASSOVER!

The next morning, Thutmoses II in agony, ordered Israel to leave Egypt. That was a year of JUBILEE. A year when a prophesy/promise of over 400 years came to pass. Israel rejoiced as they packed their belongings to leave Goshen, Egypt.

From this month, every hand holding you will leave you in Jesus name. Sin, poverty, lack, penury, anger, singleness, etc, will loose their grips on you from this month in Jesus name. Pray in this dimension today!

Those things which have enslaved you in the past will BECOME YOUR SLAVE FROM NOW ON!

Read: Ex. 7 - 11
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Friday, July 10, 2015

Today's devotion. Happy weekend

Saturday July 11, 2015.

Around 800 to 1100AD, Vikings terrorized people of northern Europe. These came from Scandinavian countries like; Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. People ran and hid when they saw Viking ships coming because they were so daring and frightening. Outraged by harsh weather and struggles to survive, Vikings rowed their ‘dragon ships’  with oars to ‘NEVERLANDS’, attacking villages, churches and coasts; seizing valuables, kidnapping men, women and children to sell as slaves.

With their successful invasions, they killed local rulers and set up their own kingdoms and installed their own cultures. They reached Scotland, Ireland, England, France, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Iraq, and were the first to land in North America, which they called Vinland.

This is the nature of Satan and his demons. They walk to and fro, exploring lands, scattering lives and destroying souls. They have destroyed lives. They damage God’s presence over lives and install their own government.
Since they are very daring and powerful, your greatest tool is; “Submit yourselves to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you”. James 4:7 KJV

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to grow stronger, to resist the evil that is in this present age, in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: 2 Cor.12:7; 2 Thes.2:9; Rev.12:9; Judges 9:24;
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Thursday, July 9, 2015


Friday July 10, 2015.

Arab-Israeli Conflict is a whole case study. Away from Egypt, God gave Israel a list of the lands to recover. Genesis 15:18 and Joshua 1:4 show that God gave Israel from the Nile River in Egypt to Lebanon, to the Mediterranean Sea, to the Euphrates River. These also include all the lands of the Palestinians (the West Bank and Gaza), plus some of Egypt and Syria, all of Jordan, some of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Yet Israel currently possesses only a fraction of these lands.

Israel could not see far. They made a treaty with the Gibeonites (Exodus 23:23-24), and also left many lands unconquered. Today, Israel has been fighting to control the West Bank, the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights region of south western Syria, and all of Jerusalem. This conflict has led to several wars since 1948, and many peace accords, yet the conflict seems to be an eternal one.

What has God instructed you to do? Has God asked you to do a course of study, business, venture, ministry, donation, mission, charity, etc? This might be the solution to the world’s problem tomorrow. Do not get a little of the assignment, for the rest might take you ages of battles to conquer.

PRAYER: Most High God, grant me the insight and the ability to complete every detail of your purpose in my life in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: Joshua 1&9
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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Daily devotional today

Thursday July 9, 2015.

1180 - 1170BC: ‘Trojan War’ and the ‘Fall of Troy’ took place. Between 830 – 630BC, Al Mina becomes trade centre, Greek alphabet developed, Greece colonized Aegean cost, Homer Writes Iliad and Odyssey, 15th Olympiad, Boxing Added to Olympic Games (688BC), Chariot Races Added to Olympic Games (680BC), Greek Archon Restricted to One-Year Term, Solon Establishes Athenian Democracy (594BC), Greeks Found First Public Libraries (550BC). 510BC – 470BC: Persian wars like; Plataea, Artemisia, Marathon and Salamis took place.

I took so much time to study this great nation’s history and discovered her prowess in archaeology, education, inventions, mathematics, physics, and much more, till I got to 10BC. But watching these people suffer made us to think of avenues of raising funds to go for humanitarian/gospel trip.

We are in an unseen battle with the enemy. It doesn’t matter who you are now but who you will continue to be. You can bind and cast, make progress, and win all your battles.

The enemy is only interested in your economy and glory (faith). When he succeeds, you become a history. From today, tighten your plans. Start a fresh prayer for your future, your family and the Church.

Ephesians 6:12

King of Heaven and the earth, secure my future. Save me from future shame, collapse and economic crunch in Jesus name, Amen.

Read: Ephesians 6:10-18
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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Today's devotion

Wednesday July 8, 2015.

The Gulf War, also known as ‘Persian Gulf War’, started from a conflict between Iraq and Kuwait. The conflict resulted to fighting in January and February 1991 between Iraq and an international coalition of forces led by the United States. What led to this conflict? Kuwait was originally part of the Ottoman Empire from the 18th century until 1899 before it gained independence from Britain in 1961.

Both countries were enjoying relationship between 1980-1988 during the Iran-Iraq War, but Iraq’s debt of $80 billion led her to seek means of invading the weak, oil rich Kuwait. Kuwait was free from Iraq and was recognised by her in 1963 but due to her part with Iraq, it brought her troubles again .

Many Christians are free from Satan by giving their lives to Jesus but because of sin they go back into troubles. When you fall victim of satanic invasion, call on other Christians to form a coalition around you. God’s word admonishes us to resist ‘the enemy’. This means that we should have no part with him. Sin is the greatest part with the enemy.

Ephesians 6:12

PRAYER: Lord, help me to fully recover my steps from the enemy’s line and be fully committed to you in Jesus name, Amen!

Read: Ephesians 6:10-18
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